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  1. #1
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    Hagen CatIt Large Water Fountain

    I am not going to be very structured here, just describe how we are getting on with this fountain after a week.

    The product is: Catit® Water Fountain - for cats and small dogs

    Bought it from Pet Supplies, Aquariums, Ponds, Fish Tanks and Pet Food from Seapets along with a couple of extra packs of filters. It started at £18.95 but by the time I built my shopping list it was up at £21.95. This was still the best price as some online places charge £35+. The filters were £3.95 for a 3 pack. I have seen them on Amazon for £3.69, but I think that doesn't include shipping from a marketplace seller. Finally, the mat is NOT included and cost £12.44 from Carry*On*Canine - quite a lot but since the fountain fits in little notches it stops it sliding around.

    Assembly was easy despite the instructions. There are too many languages in the "manual" and it's sometimes hard to move from one step to the next while still following the text. In actual fact, the whole thing is simple once you build it initially.

    Once you have built it, test it - as below. Then disassemble, remove the pump, filter and the valve plus spring - keep them all safe. Put the rest in pieces in the dishwasher (or gently wash by hand). Reassemble and voila!

    The pump didn't work at first, I guess it has seized up in storage. A quick disassembly (as per the awful instructions) and manually rotating it (while unplugged!) and all was well.

    You fill it by taking the dome to the tap and pushing the sprint loaded valve down and quarter twist. I have a filtered tap in the kitchen for drinking and this is ideal for filling as the stream is very thin. A normal tap will be fine though. Just let it fill up and overflow completely. 3 litres later you untwist the little valve and the spring pops up. Hold the dome upside down over the sink to make sure it is sealed and carry it back to the base.

    You then line up the dome using the internal domes and the coloured rubber valve you just filled it through, place on the base the the valve is pushed up and the water drains up to the level required. The rest will drain through as the cats (or small dogs, if you are so inclined) drink it. If the dome is not snug on the base it will make a noise. Just gentle push and twist the whole dome a little to settle it down and all will be well.

    At this point unscrew the handle from the dome - it works MUCH better without it in place and the water cascades all over the dome. With the handle left in place it is much less smooth and symmetric. The instructions do not tell you this.

    So, the approval committee; Initially the boys were not sure what the dome pat was but would happily drink from the bowl part. Within a day or so all three were lapping the dome. They now drink from both the dome and the bowl and are not disturbed by the sound of the pump at all.

    So far I have filled it twice in one week with the three boys on a mix of RC Kitten and wet food. Not washed it yet, but rinsed the filter and the rest all seems clean - for now. Mine haven't dropped any food in the water yet.

    In summary: After a week it works as expected, easy to maintain and filters at about £1-£2 a month if you change them accoring to the recommended schedule seems fine. For those without an undersink filter to clean their local water I would probably recommend cheap bottled water - more to keep the fountain clean and scale free, not so much for the cats

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Peter Galbavy For This Useful Post:

    IrishKitty (5th March 2011)

  3. #2
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    Catit water fountain...

    We have had this type of fountain for several years,it is always running in the cats room & during the summer replace the water bowl in the outside pen with one as well,keeps water nice & cool for them. By rinsing filter out each time dome is refilled hubby gets up to six weeks before having to replace them & that was with six drinking from it,five now.
    When we first started ours up & it also ran one sided so we found getting the palm of your hand & pushing the water around dome at the top to meet up with water the other side it worked fine.
    Although he has stopped doing it since growing up {I am very pleased to say} Welly would always wait by the mat when hubby went to fill the dome then when switched on he used to try & catch the air bubbles that came up,to do so meant he laid acrooss open bowl with both arms wrapped around dome & then pouncing at bubble as it rose,he used to get drenched which in turn meant everywhere & everyone else as well.
    I agree about the bottled water though,we have a softner so have no problems but a friend had a lot of trouble with the workings of hers due to the hard water in this area & her blue mat ended up white.....!

  4. #3
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    We have the same fountain, I love the fact that you can be out all day without worrying that they will run out of water, knock it over ect.

    I get my filters from ebay two packs for £4.26 plus £2.39 delivery, you also get a tin of Applaws food with it (the sellers are one of the main agents for it in the UK). rrjpets is their name.

    When you need to clean the fountain and get rid of any build ups use a 50/50 mix of brown vinegar and water, soak it for a little while and rinse. ( I rang Hagen to see what they recomend! )

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    Although he has stopped doing it since growing up {I am very pleased to say} Welly would always wait by the mat when hubby went to fill the dome then when switched on he used to try & catch the air bubbles that came up,to do so meant he laid acrooss open bowl with both arms wrapped around dome & then pouncing at bubble as it rose,he used to get drenched which in turn meant everywhere & everyone else as well.
    So the Welly masterclass in fountain use is no longer running then!

  6. #5
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    Hagen Catit

    Quote Originally Posted by Helen & John View Post
    So the Welly masterclass in fountain use is no longer running then!
    Sorry Helen its not,from our point of view it is one class we were pleased to see finish....x




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