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Thread: Leo did good!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Sheffield, UK
    Thanked 207 Times in 195 Posts
    My breeder said that Monty is most definitely of show quality and encouraged me to enter him into a show last December when he was 9 months old. Unfortunately the show was cancelled due to the snow, and I've not booked another one, as there aren't any nearby, not until July anyway. In the meantime I've been thinking, Monty is so super-alert, wired, and jumpy, that I can't imagine being able to prepare him well, and I think he'd be jumpy and panicky at the show itself. So I've decided that I'm not going to put either of us through it. Now Larry is another matter - he is so laid-back and friendly, he's got a much better temperament for showing - but he's not a show quality cat! (not that we care one bit about that) For a show cat, what I would need is Monty's physical features, and Larry's personality! Maybe I should have a word with my breeder....can I have a kitten like that, please? Hmmm, got a big birthday coming up........!


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