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Thread: Teeth worries!

  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
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    Sep 2010
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    Question Teeth worries!

    Hi everyone,i have noticed today that my 2 year old Maine coon seemed to be eating his biscuits a little strangely so i thought i had better investigate!I know its very naughty of me but i cant remember the last time i looked at his teeth and so am not sure what is normal for him.His tiny teeth at the front dont look right at all,think there is one missing and another looks a little twisted and the gums around those look a little red.I have booked him in at the vets for tommorrow but just wondered does this sound like gingivitis??and what tends to be the outcome if it is??
    I have always had cats and i guess have been very lucky as i have never encounted tooth problems before,and so i guess i got a bit complacent.

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    If it's gingivitis (and sounds like it could be) they might recommend a change in diet, tooth brushing and maybe a course of antibiotics. Good luck with the tooth brushing.

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    Daisyboo (24th April 2012)

  4. #3
    Happy Kitten
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    The vet said it is and that the little teeth at the front will fall out but other than that he said keep your eye on his back teeth and if things get worse he will have to be knocked out and have them cleaned.So all in all he wasnt much help!!!

  5. #4
    Über Cat
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    We had / have the same problem with our 2 boys ... vet said that I must brush their teeth every day. We've been doing so for about 3 weeks now and there is a huge improvement. Although I haven't actually been brushing them ... I've put the toothpaste on my finger and rubbed it along their gums. It's not easy, but they are getting used to it, and the difference in their appetites is very marked. I'm hoping to introduce the toothbrush shortly so that will be interesting!

  6. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Hii, oh dear I am having the same problem...

    buttercups is 4ish now. A week ago I brought her to the vet and she has gingivitis...she is currently on antibiotics capsules and will need scalling...I didn't realize that she would get it, being naughty too :( I read giving raw chicken necks will be good for the teeth...I was wondering when I can give it, my thoughts would be after the scalling...

    Also for anyone who feels it is very hard to give your loved ones their medicine especially capsules...I just found an easy way...

    first I would wrap her in her favourite blanket...this is to avoid her front paws swapping or hinder your efforts in giving the capsule...then have a teaspoon ready with a few drops of water (1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon worth of water), roll the capsule on the teaspoon with the water until it is slippery... have someone hold her, while you hold her top head (as if trying to open he mouth), then just tip the teaspoon into her mouth (the capsule and water will slip right in, it will make her swallow automatically) and tadaaa no hassles, no forcing tablets down her throat! and her spitting it right back out lol...

    bare in mind though just very little water only to just make sure she swallows and the capsule is slippery...

    if you have any other tips would love to know what you do when you have to give medicine...

    xoxo to all (I'm a newbie here )
    Last edited by Countes Nadia Cresentia; 22nd May 2012 at 11:56 AM.
    Fozzie likes this.

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Countes Nadia Cresentia For This Useful Post:

    Fozzie (22nd May 2012), Puzzles (22nd May 2012)




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