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  • 1 Post By Rachel-C

Thread: It's been a while and haven't they grown!

  1. #1
    Über Cat
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    Oct 2010
    Hampshire, UK
    Thanked 91 Times in 84 Posts

    It's been a while and haven't they grown!

    Seems like ages since I've posted on here - hope everyone and their fur-babies are well!

    Gracie is now coming up for 14 months and Monty's just turned a year and they are both doing well. Still can't believe how much they've both grown and now both weigh in around the 5kg mark - despite Monty being able to fit into the palm of our hands less than a year ago!

    Anyways, as specially requested by Candes (not that I need much encouragement), here's a few recent pics of our terrible twosome in their resting moments!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m.jpg   It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m1.jpg   It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m2.jpg   It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m3.jpg   It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m4.jpg  

    It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m5.jpg   It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m6.jpg   It's been a while and haven't they grown!-g-m7.jpg  
    dave likes this.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    Apr 2010
    Thanked 187 Times in 181 Posts
    Aww I love the one where they are sharing the rad bed, and I guess if there was two they would still want the same one!!




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