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29th September 2012, 12:53 AM #1
is my 5month old maine coon or part maine coon?
Hi i have a 5month old kitten, I brought him not from a specific breeder he is a long haired ginger tom. He shows many characteristics like he is extremely vocal, he chirps, trills to get my attention, runs around chirping and he "snores" ...well more like drama queen moans when hes sleeping and i make a noise. He is ALWAYS wherever i go, if i go into another room and shut the door he will be sat outside it waiting for me and greets me with chirps and kisses, every person that comes to mine even people he does not know he is straight onto them and into everything they are doing. he has to be in on all the action. he has a huge fluffy tails mane and tufts out his paws, his ears have the hair out of them and they point, he has oval shaped light yellowy green eyes and is huge for his age he weighs in at 6lbs at the minute. he always greets me with loud chirps trills and purrs. he talks back to me if i say something too. he is also fascinated by water! all my other cats have hated water but charlie loves to play with the tap running or shower he plays with his water in his bowl and does not mind it splashing on him.
the photos of him in the bathroom and on the sofa with the pink blanket are recent the others are about a month agoLast edited by pixie; 29th September 2012 at 01:19 AM.