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Thread: When did you Maine Coon get a "mane"?

  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
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    When did you Maine Coon get a "mane"?

    At what age did your Maine Coon develop a big "mane" or neck ruff?

    I thought that my girl Roxy might never get a really big neck ruff, maybe because she was a female and I know it's the males that have the really big "manes" so I thought she might just never have one, since she was 4 years old and still just had a moderate amount of neck fur...
    But then sometime in the time after she turned 4 or 4 1/2 she suddenly grew a whole lot of fur around her neck! It's funny because it didn't happen in the winter either (like a winter coat would?)
    She also finally "filled out" in the last 8 months or so, so I guess it's really true what they say about Maine Coons continuing to grow until they are 5... Roxy's just turned 5 on October 30th.

    I don't have a lot of good photos between the times, but here is Roxy a few months before her 4th birthday, not much of a ruff:
    (taken in August 2011 I think)

    She looked about the same a few months after her 4th birthday:

    (taken in the end of December 2011)

    This was taken just 6 or so months after the last photo:

    (in July 2012)

    Poof! Mane explosion!

    She looks like a lion.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails When did you Maine Coon get a "mane"?-408116_606407927269_261255213_n.jpg  
    jckkerrison, Bethy_boo and Puzzles like this.

  2. #2
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    My boy is 6 months nearly 3 weeks old and has a mane, not a huge one, but noticeable if he is leaning backwards etc. Maine coons dont stop growing till they're 4-5 years old, so maybe your girl is now finishing up her growing or something :P

  3. #3
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    awwww hello pretty lion

  4. #4
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    oooh NekoChan that's so encouraging, I don't have any other Maine Coon to compare my 2 years old girl with, so I keep comparing her with pictures found on the net - she doesn't have much of a mane either. Of that age, I seem to have found only pictures of males with a mane, and so from what you're saying and from what I suspected, it might be that females develop it when they finish growing up...
    Don't get me wrong, I looooove my Neevie, I just don't want other cats to laugh at her because she doesn't have a mane, you know....

    Edit: Your girl is just BEAUTIFUL especially with long hair!
    Last edited by Alekto; 17th November 2012 at 10:31 AM.
    donnad likes this.

  5. #5
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    If my brown boy was to get half of that ruff I would be over the moon & he is coming up to five & still looks a domestic short haired in that area,his brother has & always had a ruff so has my red & white boy,the silver & white boy didn't grow a ruff until he was about three & that appeared during the summer but stayed,still is thicker during the summer than winter though & my last girl had a ruff from the start & at a year old still has it,think they all vary & some don't ever sprout one there,have even thought of having extensions put in Shimba....!

  6. #6
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    Like most things with MCs it appears there is no "rule" . All my three are completely different

    Floyd hardly developed a ruff till he was at least two but by four it was quite impressive.

    The two kittens are just over a year old . silver is big even for an MC (8+kg) but his ruff is nowhere near as big as his brother Nero's who is a lot smaller . Nero also has huge tufts on his feet already wheras Silver's are far less obvious

    I think the colour type also makes a difference . Nero is black shaded (think thats the right description ) so his maine and tufts are a completely different colour so they look more impresive than a tabby like Silver where its the same as the body colour
    Last edited by F,S & N; 17th November 2012 at 05:04 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by F,S & N View Post
    I think the colour type also makes a difference.
    Couldn't agree more. Mine is white on white haha.
    donnad likes this.




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