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Thread: Is he a MC, want opinion from MC owners.

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Jan 2013
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    Is he a MC, want opinion from MC owners.

    I rescued this sweet boy when he was 5 weeks old and was told he was a Maine coon. His one vet thinks he is a MC and one vet said maybe a mix. It doesn't matter either way as we love him, but trying to gauge what he will be like. The first picture was on the night we got him and the second and third are very recent and he is about 5.5 months old. Very sweet temperament, likes to follow us around, not a big time lap cat, but loves to play and will go and fetch his toys out of the basket. The only time he cries is when he wants to play. The thing that puzzles me about him is his fur, Super Super soft, he feels like a rabbit. Anyway, just delighted to have him.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Is he a MC, want opinion from MC owners.-photo.jpg   Is he a MC, want opinion from MC owners.-gusgus-baby.jpg   Is he a MC, want opinion from MC owners.-photo2.jpg  
    mc-becca and Puzzles like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I can understand why you luv this boy he is a wonderful looking cat,what was his weight growth like...? Very often a pretty good indicator as to wether there is MC in him,they grow so rapidly the first few months that they tend to hit the size of a fully grown domestic cat very young...... you have described the feel of the silver MC's coat very well it has a real soft silky texture to it.
    What is his name...? Keep us updated on his growth & habits that could tell you more,MC's love water & they chirrup a lot & tend to be pretty talkative.
    I think he & you have found life long love & partnership,enjoy x

  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    Tucson, AZ, USA
    Thanked 20 Times in 20 Posts
    Regardless of his origins, he is a beautiful boy and it sounds like you are now his devoted "cat-slave"!

    I really love the "baby" photo - such a pathetic little guy. I know I wouldn't have been able to resist him. Who could NOT love him?!?!?!

    Congrats on your furbaby addition - he is gorgeous!




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