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Thread: Life with a Maine Coon ktten

  1. #1
    Top Cat
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    Life with a Maine Coon ktten

    Wow, life is so much more interesting with a kitten in the house! Miss Ginger brings us so much joy, she is a little ball of energy~ Every morning after she has her breakfast, she decides it is time to distribute the dog kibble, around the entire house. She has so much fun playing with it, I can not scold her. Then she may want to help me with my job search on the internet, although she may need to start using spell check as her spelling is not quite up to snuff yet, oh the emails and the text messages she sends are very humorous We now need to keep the office door closed or she cleans off both of our desks. If we could only teach her to do the filing! She loves to chew on the Velcro that is attached to my laptop power supply, play with the cords, headsets and the waste paper basket. She is a chow hound, every time one of us gets something to eat Ginger has to try it, she is not too fond of most things, but she still needs to taste it just to make sure. We have a new version of "Soft Kitty" my hubby sings to her "Naughty kitty, stinky kitty, little ball of poo" and she purrs the entire time! So what can I say? "Wow, life is so much more interesting with a kitten in the house!"

    PitaPata - A pet ticker to celebrate your cat, dog or horse.
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