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  • 3 Post By MandyCoonie

Thread: Merlin's first trip to the groomer

  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    May 2012
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    Merlin's first trip to the groomer

    Well, I finally had to give in and admit that Merlin's fur was beyond my grooming experience. He started getting bad hairballs again and this time I called the groomer to see what could be done to help. In his 12+ years of life on this planet I'm sure this was the first time Merlin had ever been given a proper grooming, and the look of disgust on his face confirmed this upon arrival. The lady started to work out his mats with a special comb and had to muzzle him. He hates being brushed and it is the only thing that upsets this normally very gentle and loving cat. Then he got a bath and two hours later I had a brand new cat LOL! She also trimmed his bum and tail, and trimmed the long fur under his arms. I bought the comb she used and was instructed to use it once a week to stop Merlin from ever getting such awful matting again. He had scabs from where he kept trying to pull the mats out on his own, poor thing. $58 for the grooming, bath, and comb was a great deal though, and the place is right around the corner from our house.




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