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Thread: Behavioral question: My maine coon and his sisters

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Mar 2015
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    Behavioral question: My maine coon and his sisters

    I have a 9 month old male coon named "V" (for vendetta, of course), who has two older sisters that are 4 years old.

    V enjoys chasing his sisters around the house "chirping" and batting at them playfully. However sometimes he gets excited and his playfulness becomes rough and he seemingly stalks whoever he's currently chasing. This can reeeeeally annoy his sisters and often they'll hiss or spat.

    My concern is that he won't grow out of this behavior and eventually I'll end up with a full blown cat fight.

    Has anyone ran into this situation? What do you recommend? I've tried spraying him with a little water when he is very bad, but that doesn't seem to phase him very much...

    Any help is appreciated! Below is a picture of V...



  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    We are in the same position: Ava is nearly a year old and Sidney is nearly 3. He is finally calming down and she is an idiot - she dive bombed him from the arm of the sofa straight onto his belly the other day, like he was a trampoline. This caused a bit of a cat fight. However, no teeth or claw damage to either cat, so I think it looks and sounds a lot worse than it actually is. Half an hour later they were curled up together on top of the piano... If I try to spray them with water they get excited and want to play with the sprayed. MCs are NOT normal cats!
    Ava annoys Sid a lot. She pushes him out of the food bowl, kicks him off the piano, won't let him sit on Dad's's just relentless. Sid just takes it, then he simply gets on top of her, scraps her scruff in his mouth and sits down so she can't move. She will be screaming her head off, he just shakes her a bit and walks away and peace is restored.
    Just realised that this doesn't sound very reassuring! Well, the good news is that Ava is learning (the hard way) how far she can go and Sid is putting her in he place when he needs to. In between, things are good. Ava is definitely better now than she was a couple of months ago - I can take her to visit my Mum in her nursing home now and I would not have dared a few weeks ago. Patience, and some good training from his sisters and he'll get the idea. (If you haven't already had it done, I'd recommend a quick visit to the vet as well, it's only a tiny snip!)
    KimAZ likes this.

  3. #3
    Active Cat
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    I have nothing of benefit to add (my boy picks on my girl and she'll hiss sometimes but they sort it out themselves without it getting ugly), but I just have to say your little boy is GORGEOUS!!!




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