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Thread: Second kitten is more interesting than anything else

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Wantage, Oxfordshire, UK
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    Second kitten is more interesting than anything else

    Second kitten is more interesting than anything else-img_20140202_143313_682.jpg

    So, the time came and now to our coonie Pixie we added a typical tabby called Whiskey. He is sweet and cuddly and have a sweet pink nose :-D It took Pixie like 2 days to get used to him, and he was OK from beginning. But now Pixie is kind of obsessed with him. She is not interested in playing with us to much anymore. She is running after him all the time and playing or fighting. There is no hissing anymore so I guess they play. We're just a bit worried as she is bigger and heavier then he is. She is also a ball of energy when he likes to sleep. Could she hurt him? Or just run him down? We try to tired her with toys but as soon she hear him she is out. Maybe I'm just panicking? I'm still new to this whole cat business...
    Last edited by Valdez; 4th February 2014 at 01:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    hehe - I don't think she could hurt him - they look so sweet together, looks like love to me! Has she made him squeel once? you know, that pained "meow" that comes when a cat's paw is being stepped on... and if yes, what has been her reaction, has she let go?

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Wantage, Oxfordshire, UK
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    Well I know she could, question is will she. Yes she made him squeel more then once, but as far as I have seen she is becking off then. On the other hand she is scared of him... He is getting really possessive about toys. f.e. flying frenzy, when he catch it (and he is bloody fast...) he start growling and will not let loose. When they play and he is starting to chase toy she is hiding under something or stay as far as possible. When I kick him out of the room she plays. It is quite funny as she is a lot bigger.
    Alekto and donnad like this.

  4. #4
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    huh - that's interesting - usually (I mean, that I've observed) that's the behaviour of females towards males - male cats are supposed to be really gentlemanly, cowardly hide when the female decides to go on a rampage even if she's smaller than them, not growl at them, not try to assert themselves... Females in turn are supposed to take it like it's their due, walk past a male with poise ignoring the male while said male tries to scramble in his hidy place, and may be hiss at them once if they feel like it. That's the proper etiquette.
    I had a "mini-coon" before Neevie - by that I mean, all the attributes of the MC, except she was way smaller than other "conventional" cats - and my friend had a huge male persan-mix that looked like he could do a lot of damage if he wanted to - once I brought the Mini-Coon to my friend's place, in a box (a small box, mini-coon size), imagine if you please: mini coon comes out, starts exploring (as you do), meets with Huge Persian Mix (we'll call him HPM) who was coming to investigate, HPM turns around in haste and goes to hide under a chair, mini coon keeps exploring while HPM decides he's not safe enough under the chair and srambles belly down.... straight into mini-coon's tiny box... mini coon keeps exploring, passes in front of the box, we hear the sound of claws inside the box while HPM scrambles to try to keep himself as far inside the box as possible, mini coon hisses, more clawing inside the box, mini coon passes with a satisfied expression... leaving human slaves laughing so hard their belly hurt.
    And that's how it's done.
    donnad likes this.

  5. #5
    Cool Cat
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    Such a cute picture of Pixie & Whiskey. Must say that Whiskey is a cool name as our boy is named Whiskey. I hope your two will make friends and become less aggressive.
    Alekto likes this.




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