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Thread: How loving?

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Feb 2015
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    How loving?

    I am about to get a MC. I have been interested in the breed for a while now. I was wondering how loving are they? I have read up on them but everything I have read is more of a basic generalization on the breed. More than anything I want to know if they are more prone to sleep in your bed with you? I have a DSH who is awesome but he usually just comes, gets his loving and then goes on about his business. I see that the MC is said to be a great companion. does that mean that they want to be around you all the time and cuddle with you? because that is what I am looking for. Any help with answering my questions would be very appreciated.

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    Be careful what you wish for.

    I have two coons who like to sleep with me.

    Sid sleeps across my legs - not a problem when he was little but now he is big. He also can only get to sleep after he has pummelled my left shoulder into submission. Any interruption and he starts again, from the beginning. Why not the right shoulder, I hear you ask? Because I only have tendonitis in the left shoulder...

    Ava sleeps wrapped around my head, with her nose rammed between my ear and collarbone. It has taken a long time to get her nose out of my ear. "Ah, sweet" you think? Ava dribbles and snores simultaneously. (If she sleeps downstairs in the evening, we have to turn the TV up. There's nothing wrong with her, she's just a nuisance.)

    Why not shut them out of the bedroom?

    Sid has dug through the carpet to the floorboards outside the door in an attempt to tunnel in and Ava thinks she is a wolf - she puts her muzzle up in the sky and HOWLS endlessly so nobody sleeps.

    Our old moggy used to sleep in his basket in the conservatory. I miss him sometimes.

    The photo is of how much pillow I have left if I get up in the night.
    How loving?-img_0293.jpg
    Last edited by Weasel; 19th February 2015 at 11:23 AM. Reason: add photo
    Gracie3803 likes this.

  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    Jun 2012
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    Ava is still a KITTEN, by the way...




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