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Thread: Advice needed!

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Norfolk, England. (A11 Country)
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Advice needed!

    As anyone who has read any of my earlier posts will know I have been considering who will replace Alfie, my elderly, but of indeterminate age because he's a rescue dog, golden retriever.
    I've decided that it will almost certainly be a Maine Coon, subject to me meeting a few and making sure that they don't disappear in terror, or alternatively savagely attack me as an undesirable alien.
    However, there is a possible different scene in that, should I get an MC before we finally loose Alfie? I'm certain that he is Not a cat chaser, mostly because although he is interested in cats, he just sat close to me when,some months ago, a very small but very pretty little kitty came up to us whilst we were out for a walk, and tried to persuade me to take her home! The little kitty bolted after about 5 minutes when a group of noisy school kids appeared on their way home! Anyway, the point of that story is that I'm sure Alfie is not likely to worry about a cat, provided the cat doesn't worry about him.
    My big problem with this idea is working out a way to persuade my wife that this is a good idea, which is where I need the advice. My wife is very wary of all cats, for some reason, so what devious subterfuge can anyone suggest to attempt to get her into contact with a friendly, and sociable cat or cats? Going to see a breeder would no way be subtle enough, cat shows are right out, and I'm at a loss. ( Being male, subtlety is not my forte!).
    One thing on my side is the time scale. We have a wedding coming up at the end of May, and. Holiday at the start of August, so it would be unthinkably cruel to attempt to introduce a new animal into the household before mid August at the earliest.
    so, do you out there have any suggestions?
    Growing old, disgracefully with any luck.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    my HO is absolutely set against the idea of having another animal in the house - makes sense since our Neevie is the most antisocial MC I have had the pleasure to meet (or hear about)
    however, last year as I was in France, a baby cat came to the garden and got attached to me, as I got attached to her. That was not ANY cat, it was THAT cat, and HO was actually, surprisingly, most agreeable on the idea of bringing her back home. Well, life got in the way, in the form of UK animal import laws, and it didn't happen in the end, but we got to a point where he actually was willing to take the car, drive all night 13 hours plus 3 hours crossing, get the cat, and drive back to Newcastle in 3 days, just to get that cat, when he was actually dead set against the idea of another cat in the first place and rather anxious about the pirate's reaction.
    all that to say - my suggestion - get her to meet THAT cat - the one that's going to make her melt. That's likely to take time and effort, you may need to meet a few cats before you find THAT one...
    donnad likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thats easy do what has been suggested,meet MC's , the offer has been thrown out to you plus you would meet the breeding lines of the breeder I think you might have made an enquiry tooyou could tie both in as she lives a few miles from me.......
    MC's accept dogs & my daughters retriever loved it when MC's came into her life & when she came round here all of mine just accepted her,open invitation to you & wife to come & see what MC's are like & if you both realise that they don't molest & do have arrh factor then bring your dog to meet them too.......
    Puzzles, donnad and Dizdesigns like this.




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